Jun 2, 2013

Memory Lane Antique Mall. Vintage Clothing in St. Petersburg, Florida.

While searching for vintage in Florida I stumbled on this antique mall filled to the brim with clothing, hats, purses, and general household goods. This place offered the most vintage clothing in one spot than any other antique mall I went to, so it is a must visit if you're in the area. When you walk in the door the first thing you see are piles and piles of unpriced items waiting to be sorted, which basically means you should make a day of visiting this place there is so much stuff to browse. I walked away with a really lovely 50s dress that needs a new hem. I will hopefully be able to let it out an inch or two and keep it, otherwise it'll end up in the shop!


  1. Nice! I love exploring new antique malls. You never know what you'll find!

  2. I absolutely love stumbling across places like this. I'm twitching at the thought of being able to fossick through all of that! ;)
